UK's Ahmadiyya Muslims to hold 50th Jalsa Salana annual convention - Ahmadiyya Media Library

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Friday, 22 July 2016

UK's Ahmadiyya Muslims to hold 50th Jalsa Salana annual convention

Daily Rabwah | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Vanguard Nigeria
By Haroon Balogun | 

More than 35,000 delegates from over 90 countries are expected to attend the 50th Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, Annual Islamic Conference, holding in London, United Kingdom in August. The conference which will seek to increase religious knowledge, promote a sense of peace and tranquility will be declared opened by the Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, world-wide, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad on August 12, 2016.

Eminent speakers will also discuss a range of religious topics and their relevance to contemporary society. The Jalsa will also be attended by a number of parliamentarians, civic leaders and diplomats from different countries who will address the gathering including journalists from all over the world. Vanguard – Facing the Kaabah will also be there with other national dailies such as The Guardian, National Mirror as well as Murhi International Television MITV and Television Continental TVC for live broadcast of proceedings from, the Alton, United Kingdom.

The event will also be broadcast live globally via satellite TV from the Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International with simultaneous translation in up to 13 languages.

The first United Kingdom annual convention was held in 1964 in Baitu Fazi Mosque, South, London with a few participants. It has since grown to over 30,000 participants from all over the world some years back at the 22 acre of land in Oakland farm, Hampshire.

According to the organisers of the conference, entry to the Jalsa Salana arena will be strictly on the basis of Computerized Registration ID Cards. “Participants are requested to obtain their Registration Cards from the Registration Offices. UK members in possession of their AIMS Cards will gain entry into the Jalsa Salana arena while members who do not have this card have been advised to contact their Local President immediately.

Replacement of an AIMS Card will be issued after verification by the Local President and will incur a £5.00 charge. Any UK member not in possession of an AIMS Card will be issued a Jalsa Salana Registration Card. This will be issued to those members who have completed their UK Tajneed Forms. This form is available from your Local Jama’at President.

“Members from overseas countries (e.g. Germany, Norway or Holland) that have Computerised Tajneed systems may use their cards to obtain entry into the Jalsa Salana arena. However, participants are advised to ensure that prior to departure from their home country (Ameer), their specific Computerised Card is acceptable for entry.

The oganisers added that members from overseas countries where a computerised card system is not, in practice, are requested to obtain their Jalsa Salana registration cards from Registration Offices at Baitul Futuh or Hadeeqatul Mahdi, immediately upon arrival in UK, adding that International Passport and a verified invitation or permission letter by the respective Ameer or President are required for registration.

Read original post here: UK's Ahmadiyya Muslims to hold 50th Jalsa Salana annual convention


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